Written by David to the tune of ‘Be Thou My Vision,’ an Irish Hymn from the 8th Century.
Christ be my answer when questions abound,
Silently speaking – Your truth will resound.
In all life’s valleys, Your staff my support,
Great Heart of heaven, my life You have sought.
David: We had difficulty in trying to work out whether an abortion was the best way forward. Most of the medical advice we received seemed to point in this direction but we still had a lot of questions. We also felt that God had shown us that life is precious irrespective of its length. So we held all these opposing thoughts in our minds as we battled to find the right way forward. In the end we felt that God gave us clear direction and we had to only obey. Great Heart refers to the link between God’s astonishing Heart of Love and the weak heart of Daniel.
Christ be my anchor when storms ‘round me rage,
Steadfast and faithful, my hope for this age;
Shadowed from doubting, Your love my true rest.
Death on my door step, yet still I am blessed.
David: During the 6 months between his diagnosis and his birth and death we were surrounded with a lot of uncertainty. We were not sure what would happen prior to birth and then directly thereafter. The only thing we felt we knew for certain was that God was already ahead of us and that he truly loves us. We took strength from this. Whilst we were hoping for a miracle we also knew that death was a very real possibility and yet as we passed through this time we began to realize how blessed we had been. Our church in Delhi, our friends and family, a great medical facility and our good health all seemed to us examples of a God who infinitely cares for us; this was a great love from a Great Heart.
Christ be my comforter, gently I’ll rest,
Wearied by struggles and life’s painful tests;
Trusting Your goodness in all that I face,
Longing for rest at the end of the race.
David: At times it was all just too much. Why us? What was God trying to do? Was this a test of some kind? A test of obedience? Many nights I slept exhausted despite not being physically tired at all. The emotional stress was just too much to carry each day. We eventually just had to hold on to the fact that God loves us and cares for us and makes all things work for the good of those who love him. Life was sometimes difficult to live and every now and then I would catch myself thinking of Heaven and feeling that I would not mind if it came sooner rather than later.
Christ be the keeper of all I hold dear.
Safe in Your love, I have nothing to fear.
All that we hide in our hearts till that day,
Will be found waiting at the end of the way.
David: I know I will see my son again one day and that today he is in Christ’s care. When my life ends and I see Christ I will also see my son. Knowing he is within the love and care of Christ today is a source of great peace for Sarah and I.
Christ be my victory, death has no sting.
Victory in Jesus, my battle cry rings.
Christ the great healer of hearts and of souls,
Heavenward I gaze for the power of old.
David: I knew God could heal Daniel if he so chose but I had little certainty that this was his will. At times I was convinced he would be healed – ‘expect a miracle!’ – at other times I was just full of doubt. We lived and acted and believed as though we were expecting that miracle. It never happened. Do real, honest, and mind-blowing miracles still happen today? During those 6 months I needed him – the ‘power of old’ – to heal Daniel and to heal us. Both Sarah and I were scared of what our faith would become if God did not heal Daniel. You never know exactly what you really, really believe until that dark hour. I was surprised to find that I do believe what I believe and that beneath me is a firm foundation.
Christ be my hope as the storm clouds roll back,
Nothing in life nor in death will I lack;
Counting my blessings throughout the long night,
Heartfelt thanksgiving as the dark turns to light.
David: This was written early on during that 6 month period. I knew that we would come through this (miracle or not) and that pain passes and loss is more manageable with time. I also know it will never go away but for each valley there is a mountain on the other side and the peak is reached via the valley. I was scared as to how I would feel and react if Daniel died but ultimately I knew we would get through it and that we would get up and walk on. Sarah and I are forever grateful to God for his everlasting promise to never leave nor foresake us.
David Seabrook
February 2009
New Delhi, India
DVD content & Original Website content Copyright David Seabrook 2012 (c)
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